岗位要求:Job description:
1、负责销售箱体类产品(如信报箱、包裹箱、垃圾箱、花箱)Be responsible for selling mailboxes,parcel boxes and garbage bin boxes.
2、负责德国市场各类箱体产品信息数据的收集 Be responsible for collecting the datas of mailboxes,parcel boxes and garbage bin boxes in German market.
3、负责德国市场现有客户的拜访:如推荐新品、客诉的处理等等Be responsible for the visiting to old customers in Germany,to promote new products and deal with customer complaints.
4、公司安排的其他事项Others to be arranged by company.
任职要求:Job requirement:
1、在德国大型箱体类公司有做过产品经理或者采购类的工作经验,熟悉德国箱体类产品 Have worked as a product manager or purchasing experience in a large German cabinet company. Familiar with German cabinet products